In no particular order, each with its own importance, here are three plugins that I believe no website or blog running on WordPress should be without:
- Home
- Category: This Website
In no particular order, each with its own importance, here are three plugins that I believe no website or blog running on WordPress should be without:
“Thank you for updating to the latest version! Using WordPress 3.3.2 will improve your looks, personality, and web publishing experience. Okay, just the last one, but still. :)”
This website’s previous release ran on Drupal 6.x. It used the Light Theme, ported by Nick Young). On it, I said;
I really should revamp this website, “one of these days…”
I recently performed the usual website maintenance on my blogs and this portal:
Stumbled on the Light theme. Applied it here and like it much better than what I was using beforehand – Zen Classic. Applied some minor content revisions and layout changes and voila, EJPdC 2.0 is now EJPdC 2.1.
Whatevs, right?
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