Tag Archives: star trek

Battle Report: Destroy the Borg Tactical Cube

Stardate -308488.413 (2014-Jul-06, 17:30 H)

Long-range sensors detected alternating tachyon pulses near the Starbase Sikatuna Shipyard. These are known to be the signature of a transwarp aperture being accessed. Further scans revealed that a Borg Tactical Cube was emerging from the aperture!

Battle Report: Destroy the Borg Tactical Cube

Battle Report: Destroy the Borg Tactical Cube

All ships capable of combat were immediately dispatched to meet the threat. An emergency message was also sent out on all frequencies, requesting any ships within the sector to assist in making a stand.

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Say Aah with the Star Trek U. S. S. Enterprise Light-Up Feeding System

Star Trek U. S. S. Enterprise Light-Up Feeding System

Star Trek U. S. S. Enterprise Light-Up Feeding System

“Say aah, here comes the spaceship!” (docking into your Face Station?) that your parents used to say, and which you now say to your own kids has just become a tangible and fun reality.

“Explore strange new foods with your Starfleet Cadet!”

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Star Trek: The Wreath of Khanberbatch

I searched Google for an updated image of the Star Trek: Wreath of Khan with Benedict Cumberbatch instead of the original one with Ricardo Montalban, but results did not have any. So I made this Wreath of Khanberbatch below. Enjoy! 🙂

Star Trek: The Wreath of Khanberbatch

Star Trek: The Wreath of Khanberbatch

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The Sci-Fi Cafe: The Newest Geek Hangout at Robinsons Galleria

The Sci-Fi Cafe: The Newest Geek Haven at Robinsons Galleria

2013-May-18: Are these the boys you’re looking for?

I first heard about The Sci-Fi Cafe from Suresh, via our Via Astris (The Star Trek Club of the Philippines) Facebook Group. He had just stumbled on the place himself last week, which had its soft-opening on May 5.

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Got Klingon Bat’leth?

Star Trek Klingon Batleth

Now these are very scary Klingons!

Klingon Proverb of the Day: “A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye.”

  • tlhIngan Hol: leghlaHchu’be’chugh mIn lo’laHbe’ taj jej
  • Literal translation: A sharp knife is useless if the eye is unable to clearly see.
  • Klingon Honor Guard manual, page 47
  • Klingon language source: The Klingon Way, Marc Okrand

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