Tag Archives: Philippines

Christmas Greetings from the Beach!

Fun in the Surf from E.J. Padero on Vimeo.

Recorded on 2012-Dec-24 at the Pico de Loro Beach Club, Hamilo Coast, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines.

Watch it elsewhere:

Got Klingon Bat’leth?

Star Trek Klingon Batleth

Now these are very scary Klingons!

Klingon Proverb of the Day: “A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye.”

  • tlhIngan Hol: leghlaHchu’be’chugh mIn lo’laHbe’ taj jej
  • Literal translation: A sharp knife is useless if the eye is unable to clearly see.
  • Klingon Honor Guard manual, page 47
  • Klingon language source: The Klingon Way, Marc Okrand

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Lighting Sculptures At Eton Centris Walk Are Actually Crashed UFOs Recovered In The Philippines

Evidence Concealment/Cover-up Fail: Crashed UFOs recovered in the Philippines have been installed as lighting sculptures at Eton Centris Walk.

Lighting Sculptures At Eton Centris Walk Are Actually Crashed UFOs Recovered In The Philippines

Photos taken on 2012-Jan-23. Posted for sexy beast Zafar.

Wanna see moar of the flying saucers? Do a Google Images Search.

Juan, Jr. is Autocross Champion!

This below is about one of my granduncles/great-uncles.

Awesome senior citizens are awesome. 😉

From: John Mark Padero
Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 9:54:44 PM
Subject: Juan, Jr is Autocross Champion!

Team Padero is proud to announce that Juan, Jr. a.k.a. Tito Ne won Champion Honors in the Senior Class during the recently concluded 3rd Mindanao leg of the Philippine Autocross Championship Series held on July 10, 2011 at Lim Ket Kai parking lot, Cagayan de Oro City.

He was also named the oldest driver to ever win the series’ Senior Class at age 77.

He will defend his crown in the 4th Mindanao leg which is scheduled on August 21 at the same venue. 😀

Below are videos of the race runs and selected photos of the event.

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A Visit to the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial

Last Sunday, April 3, I brought my wife and sons to visit the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial. It’s a beautiful monument to bravery.

Check out the video after the jump.

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