
Another thing to be thankful for last month was that I finally got to replace my 4-year-old Giant 15″ CRT monitor with a spankin’ brand new AOC 19″ 193FW LCD monitor for my rig.

Check it out after the jump.


Here’s a wonderful contraption I found over at ThinkGeek that is said to be how geeks relieve stress. It’s definitely healthier than whacking off and is much safer than going on a real-life shooting spree. A must for any stressed out or angry geek in my shoes, what with my parents’ health crisis, she who must be obeyed, and my line of tech support work having to deal with a lot of also stressed and/or angry people every friggin’ work day night.


Fire off a barrage from your favorite compatible toy weapon, knock down all three targets and watch as the internal motor resets them for the next round. A handy mesh trap in the rear collects your ammo for later use.

All that fun for just $9.99 or less than PhP 500! Too bad ThinkGeek does not ship to the Philippines. Way uncool. Check out a video of the Automatic Cube Weapon Target in action after the jump (click the more link, n00b).


Rubik’s Twist and Rubik’s Cube

Memories of speed-twisting against my neighbor, Pierre back in grade school flashed through my mind as soon as I saw this Rubik’s Twist (Limited Edition) at Hobbes & Landes. So I bought it. No sooner had I unboxed it that I was able to instinctively recall the algorithms to form the sphere.

Solving my sister’s 3×3 Rubik’s Cube, on the other hand, was a challenge I had taken on just this past week. I wouldn’t have been able to conquer the cube without the cube solving secrets shared by Tyson Mao in 8 easy steps.

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