August 2007

The Fast: San Juan Police

The WTF?: Manila’s Finest

Starting some time after 6:07 A. M. last Friday, went offline due to having reached its current web hosting plan’s maximum monthly bandwidth of 1 GB. Great news! More hits, more exposure! All the more momentum in achieving my plans of WWW domination!

So anyway, although I was already expecting this website to exceed its monthly bandwidth limit soon (after viewing log files like any competent webmaster should), I didn’t get any warning or alert from my web host when the limit was reached and it was already after banking hours on Friday that I discovered this website had already gone offline.

At least my web host’s round the clock technical support was still reliable as ever and I was able to coordinate on how to upgrade my web hosting plan. It being a long weekend with Monday being a bank holiday and I being the old man that I am by being too tired to go pay for the upgrade yesterday (after a 30-minute weight workout and a 30-minute jog) – it was only today that I was able to haul my fat ass to the bank.

So now, we’re back online and packed with double the punch as before to accomodate more hits, more friends, more fiends. Yay.

So Aaron is in Manila for a week. Mainly, to go to Naga to meet the parents of his girlfriend back in Brunei.

Jovz and I catching up with high school buddy Aaron
at National Sports Grill, Greenbelt 3 last night

Update : Wednesday, Sep 5, 2007 at 4:47 pm
More photos of Aaron meeting old friends can be viewed over at Jovan’s Flickr photoset.

The Toyota Revo Owners Club met at The Fort Strip, Fort Bonifacio late yesterday afternoon.

TROC: Mucking about with a Glaiza, Hilson, and Ronnie


“Shawarma Not Allowed Inside”
some shop at Philcoa Citi Mall, Diliman

I just caught the recently released multiplayer trailer video online. The sinlge player campaign is set for release on August 28. Multiplayer gets airborne on September 4, 2007. From what I see in the footage below, the delay is well-worth the extra week.

Medal of Honor Airborne – Multiplayer Trailer [ YouTube ]
Medal of Honor Airborne [ EJ Padero dot Com ]
EA : Medal of Honor : Airborne [ ]

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