What To Do To Protect Yourself If Your Personal Info Is Compromised Due to the Recent COMELEC Database Hacking Incident
“Your personal data is out… now what? My friends and I have been compiling a list of things that you may do to protect yourself from identity theft. Feel free to share with your friends as well.” – Jon Limjap
You probably know by now that your personal data has been compromised when COMELEC’s voter database has been hacked and stolen. Some people have confirmed that their personal data has been compromised by the website (wehaveyourdata.com), but PLEASE REFRAIN from using this site as you may expose yourself to further risk.
[As of 10pm, April 22, the website wehaveyourdata.com has been confirmed to be offline/unreachable. The domain name’s server DNS address could not be found.]
[The Commission on Elections says the United States Of America Department of Justice helped in taking down the website that leaked voters’ data. US aids Philippines in containing data leak – Rappler]
A variety of personal data is included in the site: full legal name including your mother’s maiden last name, full birthdate, permanent addresses, and even the image of your fingerprints. OFWs are even more adversely affected as it contains passport information and their address abroad. All of these information can be used against you in the form of identity theft.
If your personal information is compromised, here are the possible things that might possibly happen to you: