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Using Social Media To Cover For Lack Of Original Thought


The Onion parodies social media consultants:

“The world’s most successful companies know that social media is a powerful marketing tool, and Cameron Hughes knows how to make social marketing even more effective: by never injecting an ounce of effort into it.”

I’ve listed a few of the funny bits:

  • Social media is the driving force behind the new economy…
  • …we’ve put social media on the tongues of some of the biggest companies in the world – without providing an actual service.
  • To survive in the new Internet economy, you need to provide a new service or product that people will want.
  • Companies don’t care if their followers are real or not, they’ll pay you either way.
  • In the new Social Media economy, you just have to keep looking like you’re doing work and people will pay you for it.


Watch it on YouTube: Using Social Media To Cover For Lack Of Original Thought – Onion Talks – Ep. 6

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E.J. started tech support and web development work + blogging via raw HTML & FTP in the late '90s. He started blogging and podcasting with WordPress in the mid-2000s. He has been working full-time with WordPress plugins and themes tech support since 2017.

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